The Waves that Changed Us: The Indian Ocean Tsunami 20 Years On

4 x 48 HD
Broadcaster:  CNA

20 years on from the Boxing Day Tsunami, which killed over 220,000 people in 14 countries, we revisit the communities most affected to explore its lasting impact and to learn first-hand how survivors have tried to rebuild their lives.


In Phang Nga, Thailand, locals recount extraordinary acts of heroism in rescuing tourists while losing their own loved ones. We meet communities in Sri Lanka and India who recount their resilience and reveal how the recovery and rebuilding efforts are still ongoing to this day. In Malaysia, we discover how the district of Kuala Muala has transformed its tsunami history into a powerful testament of collective strength.  In Indonesia, which suffered over 70% of the casualties, we visit Aceh, one of the worst affected areas, to reflect on the tsunami's devastation as well as the global response and rescue efforts that proved to be pivotal. We also investigate how Indonesian and Singaporean scientists are collaborating to monitor and anticipate future disasters.


With moving testimonials from both survivors and rescue workers, we discover how the devastating waves exposed the true essence of humanity in the face of catastrophe.


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