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Aerial Profiles, Series 5

6 x 52 / 12 x 26 HD 4K

Aerial Profiles returns once more for a fifth outing to show how human activity has left its visible mark on our landscape, and how the landscape, in turn, has influenced the development of our countries. We start in South Africa and then travel to the American States of North Carolina, South Carolina and South Dakota before ending the series in England.


South Africa East

We begin the series in the eastern half of South Africa, home to two of its three capital cities, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The region also encompasses a landscape that varies from a dramatic coastline to towering mountains and majestic waterfalls to deep canyons.


South Africa West

Our focus moves to western South Africa where the staggering Table Mountain is found. The region is a popular holiday destination with its glorious beaches and intrepid hiking trails. Vineyards are also a prominent feature of this area and wines produced there are found all across local restaurants.


The Carolinas

We now arrive at the two states that front the Atlantic Ocean and which hold a long history dating back to the Elizabethan age of Sir Walter Raleigh. Both states have their own distinctive natural elements with the Great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina and the pristine beaches of South Carolina.


South Dakota  

Famed for its breath-taking scenery, South Dakota is itself bigger than many European countries. Thousands of bison roam the Great Plains while carved into granite is the iconic Mount Rushmore sculpture. Its natural reserves once included gold which led to conflict with the indigenous Native Americans.


Northern England

Crossing the Atlantic brings us to the North of England where we find the great manufacturing cities of Birmingham and Manchester, the latter was the epicentre of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The national parks in the Peak and Lake District also boast unparalleled scenic beauty.


Southern England

The series wraps up in the South of England, home to its capital city London, once a small Roman outpost on the banks of the Thames. Quaint villages and harbours fill the southern coastline while Stonehenge, one of the world’s best-known ancient monuments, is still standing to this day.

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