Marking the 80th anniversary the end of World War II, this gripping two-part documentary uses newly colourised archive footage, expert interviews and high-end dramatic reconstructions to count down the 24 hours prior to the unconditional surrenders of Germany and Japan on VE Day and VJ Day.
Recent world events show how quickly and easily conflicts between countries ignite and continue with no obvious signs of ending. So when war rages on a global scale, how do those tasked with ending it achieve their goal?
Covering the death of Hitler and the remaining Nazi commanders' negotiations with the Allies, the fall of Berlin and the attempted coup led by the honour-bound Japanese military aimed at preventing Japan's surrender, delve into the moments that would define the rest of the 20th Century. From Like a Shot Entertainment.
Part 1 - 24 Hours: The Fall of Nazi Germany
Part 2 - 24 Hours:The Japanese Surrender
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