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How to Poison a Planet

1 x 78 HD 4K
Broadcaster:  Stan

Featuring star of Dark Waters and activist, Mark Ruffalo, and the real-life lawyer he played, Rob Bilott, this award-winning investigation uncovers one of the biggest environment disasters in human history - the global contamination of drinking water with PFAS and "forever chemicals" by US chemical conglomerate, 3M.


Spanning the heart of New York City to a small First Nations community in Australia, the film follows powerhouse US legal team, Gary Douglas, Rob Bilott and Ned McWilliams, as they prepare to go to trial against the global chemical companies responsible for the contamination, and visits communities and high schools torn apart by soaring cancer rates, thought to be linked to PFAS exposure. 


With PFAS chemicals now found in the blood of the 98% of the world's population, this urgent documentary grapples with the reality that these chemicals, which will never break down in our environment, are not just in our drinking water but in our food, household products, and even rain.


People made the decision to go forward with putting these chemicals in our environment. They knew what they were doing…You can’t help but ask, what kind of people do that?” - Mark Ruffalo.


Walkley Documentary Award Winner 2024

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