A mysterious ruin unfolds in the midst of a Norman forest at a location called "Boisl'Abbé", near the town of Eu. Initial archaeological explorations conducted in the 19th century indicated the presence of a grand Roman sanctuary. However, following numerous incidents of looting in the early 2000s, archaeologist Etienne Mantel undertook new excavations on the site.
Given the scale of the findings, Etienne began to suspect that the forest concealed the remnants of a forgotten Roman city. As the excavations progressed, the site gradually unveiled its secrets, and Etienne's intuition was confirmed —an entire city had resurfaced. The series of spectacular discoveries continued thereafter, reaching a pinnacle that every archaeologist dreams of: the revelation of the name of an unknown city.
Combining access to archaeological dig sites, expert testimony, and incredible CGI, this award winning doc reveals the secrets of this lost city for the first time.
Part of Ancient Settlements of Europe.
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