Operation Valkyrie: The Plot To Kill Hitler is the definitive film on Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and the ‘Valkyrie’ conspiracy to assassinate Hitler on 20th July, 1944. Produced in collaboration with the official German Foundation dedicated to the memory of the conspirators, it features testimonials and eyewitness accounts from all of the aristocratic families involved in the plot, including the last living conspirator to escape Hitler’s wrath, and Maria Countess von Stauffenberg who knew Claus all her life.
The film also features leading scholars and historians on the conspiracy such as Prof. Peter Hoffmann, author of the biography “Stauffenberg”, and Prof. Ian Kershaw, renowned World War II scholar and BBC consultant. Operation Valkyrie: The Plot To Kill Hitler is illustrated with rare footage of Hitler’s inner circle, including colour home movies shot by Hitler’s lover Eva Braun, as well as a painstakingly researched dramatisation of the actual assassination attempt, and a detailed CG reconstruction of Wolfschanze or “Wolf’s Lair”, Hitler’s military headquarters near Rastenburg, where the assassination attempt took place.
For anyone interested in the real story of the Wehrmacht resistance and the Stauffenberg conspiracy in particular, this is a must-have documentary and the definitive record of what happened before and after the pivotal events of 20th July, 1944.
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