Sacco and Vanzetti tells the story of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian immigrant anarchists who were accused of a murder in 1920, and executed in Boston in 1927 after a notoriously prejudiced trial. It is the first major American documentary film about this landmark story.
The ordeal of Sacco and Vanzetti came to symbolize the bigotry and intolerance directed at immigrants and dissenters in America, and millions of people in the U.S. around the world protested on their behalf. The story continues to have great resonance today, as civil liberties and the rights of immigrants are again under attack in the U.S.
This film brings to life the personal, political, and legal aspects of this heartbreaking story. The powerful prison writings of Sacco and Vanzetti are read by actors John Turturro and Tony Shalhoub. A chorus of passionate commentators propels the narrative, including Howard Zinn, Arlo Guthrie, Studs Terkel, and a number of older people with personal connections to the story. Clips from Giuliano Montaldo’s feature film about the case are used throughout the film, as is an interview with Montaldo. Artwork, music, poetry, and feature film clips are interwoven within the narrative.
Through the tragic story of Sacco and Vanzetti, and the inspiring images of those who keep their memories alive, audiences will experience a universal – and very timely – tale of official injustice and human resilience.
John E. O'Connor Film Award for the best historical film awarded by the American Historical Association
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