Traditional education is increasingly challenged by the arrival of ‘e-learning’, a catch-all phrase that encompasses almost any form of learning that depends on electronics.
E-learning is at the heart of ‘e-ducation Without Borders’, a student-organized movement that is expanding the boundaries of knowledge through the creation of a worldwide network of young people who are riding the wave of the electronic revolution. Communicating by internet, they are harnessing technological progress to level the educational playing field.
Every two years students from around the world meet at a three day conference held in Abu Dhabi, capital city of the United Arab Emirates. The conference is different from other conferences in that it is organized by students, for students. The organizing committee for the 2005 conference consisted of 28 students from 18 countries. ‘Three Days to Change World’ was filmed at the 2005 ‘e-ducation Without Borders’ conference and in other countries where participants have been testing new approaches to e-learning that are playing vital roles in closing the ‘digital divide’.
‘Three Days to Change the World’ is an engaging, entertaining and emotional film that highlights one of the greatest challenges of the ‘E-Age’: delivering education without borders.
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