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Great Minds of Design

6 x 23 HD
Broadcaster:  CBC

Everything from a cereal box to a skyscraper starts with a design.  Great Minds of Design follows a wide variety of designers as they complete a project.  What alternate forms of energy can be used?  How can a building be structured to promote efficiency?  How has printing technology evolved?  What are the design motivations of a street artist?  How do exotic cultures sustain themselves?

The creative personalities of designers and their innovative ideas drive the series.  Each episode follows a different design process from concept to completion.  We discover a new creation directly from its maker as it happens; learn about a different design medium and its history; and meet the visionary people behind everyday objects and ambitious ideas.

Great Minds of Design features everyone from computer-aided industrial designers to street artists, and designers whose work becomes quite conceptual.  Themes that unite these visionary forces vary from their desire to create something that is functional and aesthetically pleasing, to finding solutions to human problems, social issues, or groundbreaking improvements to previous designs.

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