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Secrets of the Universe

8 x 24 HD

Epic black holes, nuclear furnaces at the core of giant stars and volcanic pressure cookers inside planets - all across the immense reaches of time and space, the universe is being transformed by seething caldrons of energy.

This groundbreaking new series follows a trail of energy into the power centres of the universe. Each programme visualises these realms using state of the art animations based on both scientific data and the latest supercomputer simulations. Dive into the heart of a supermassive black hole, fly down onto the toxic landscapes of alien planets and ride along the roiling surface of a star that’s about to explode!

An adventurous glimpse of the cosmos, Secrets of the Universe is sure to inform, amaze and inspire curious minds of all ages around the world.

In the brand new 4K episodes, dive into the heart of a monster hurricaneand witness giant volcanic  eruptions on Neptune’s frigid moon Triton, as well as exploring Jupiter’s volcanic satellites.

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