Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season, we visit beautiful gardens and meet their gardeners. Travelling from the mountain ranges of Vancouver Island, across the wintry prairies, and to the rocky coast of Ontario’s Lake Huron. Along the way, we’re introduced to the expansive minds of those who have brought their personal innovations and visions to gardening.
Meet a gardener who climbs a mountain to collect rare alpine seeds, and another who contemplates the meaning of life in relation to plant and geological time. Visit the home garden of a famed public servant and a philosopher, whose intellectual ideas inform what they plant together. Tour an interactive medicinal garden, and find out what makes daylilies such an addictive pastime. Learn what is possible to grow as we travel back and forth between Canada’s balmy west coast and its frigid prairies. Listen to a gardener who reflects on fifty years of tending the same piece of land, and a famed Vancouver florist who hybridizes varieties of award-winning orchids.
In each episode, we meet two visionary gardeners, with different yet related visions. They reveal personal stories of their first experiences in a garden. They tell us of their ‘eureka’ moment, when they discovered something. It is their exceptional ideas, which set them on their individual gardening paths. The series captures the state of being that inspires their creativity, by delving into the minds, beliefs, and motivations of the true visionary.
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+44 (0) 20 7837 3000