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Your 100 Year Life

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Your 100th birthday?  It used to be for freaks.  A milestone few could hope to reach.  Not anymore.  All around the world, people are living longer.  It should be good news, but there’s one big problem.  We can’t afford it. 


As the world’s population keeps ageing, pension funds are collapsing within companies and - in cases such as Detroit - within states.  In our wealthiest nations ‘old age homelessness’ is on the rise and so is the number of pensioners using foodbanks as the cost-of-living crisis also bites.  Is old age poverty an unstoppable global disaster?  Is it time to retire ‘retirement’?  Does this dark, grey cloud have a silver lining? 


With a unique mix of comedy animation, interviews with experts and personal stories from all around the world, ‘Your Hundred-Year Life’ explains how we got ourselves into this mess and what we can do to get out of it.  But only if we act now.  How do we reset our thinking about Old Age?  How do we learn to care about our future selves?  After watching this film you’ll be an hour older, and a great deal wiser about how you can make Your Hundred Year Life something to celebrate.


Winner Best Documentary - Crystal Palace International Film Festival 2024

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