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Joan of Arc: The Faces of History

1 x 40 HD
Broadcaster:  NPO

No one could have foreseen that a French peasant girl would play a decisive role in the great and so-called Hundred Years' War between England and France.But what were the unique qualities that allowed this young girl to command an army, and in 1920, be declated a sainy?

When she was only thirteen years old, young Joan of Arc began to hear voices that told her to ensure that the French crown prince would be protected from the English. Joan of Arc was very religious and she believed that her commission came from God. The fact that she ends up being burned as a martyr has made her one of the most famous female figures in history.

There are many images of Joan of Arc, but they differ a lot from each other. In this episode we discover what she would have looked like. Our host, famous actor Derek De Lint, travels to France, to understand the psychological and physical profile of Joan of Arc, and reveal hertrue face. He visits important locations in herlife, and delves deep into the archives, to provide historical context about the famous warrior girl. Meanwhile, renowed 3D artist Mao Lin Liao builds on these findings to create an astonishing and surprising digital reconstruction of hertrue face, allowing us to look Joan of Arc in the eyes, for the very first time.

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