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Inside China's Soft Power Drive: War Movies, Censorship & Patriotism

1 x 48 HD
Broadcaster:  CNA

China's state has been promoting nationalism and soft power for decades, but this drive has increased significantly since Xi Jinping took power in 2012.


From war movies to censorship and patriotism, we investigate who exactly is promoting this nationalism, how the different kinds of propaganda are produced, and why they resonate so strongly with large parts of the Chinese population.


We explore why 'The Battle at Lake Changjin' - a patriotic war movie depicting Chinese soldiers fighting against Americans in the Korean War - has become China's biggest ever box office hit.


We hear from the creator of a popular Chinese nationalistic cartoon who was inspired by Disney to create works from the heart that tug at the population's heart strings. We learn how are the powerful Gen Z online influencers “little pinks” are contributing to the rise of cyber nationalism, and have even influenced the nationwide banning of Western brands from the NBA to H&M.


We hear from top ex-Chinese officials about how China has defined its own 'cyberspace sovereignty', and the reasons behind its strong censorship laws, as well as discovering how Chinese protestors have been censored and punished by the state. And we discover how 'Xi Jinping Thought' has entered the national school curriculum, as well as being compulsory for China's Communist Party members.


With exclusive access and featuring international experts, this is a fascinating deep dive into China's patriotism and soft power and how it's affecting both the country and the world.


Part of the groundbreaking series China: Preparing for Dangerous Storms

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