Keynes: His Life and Work

1 x 60 / 1 x 90 HD

This one-of-a-kind documentary explores the life of the man behind the ideas that have the potential of saving the world from economic depression, and the policies which allowed Britain to pay for the Second World War.


John Maynard Keynes’ views on capitalism, taxation, interest rates, and the overarching idea that the economy should work in everyone’s favour are still topics of great debate today. His contributions to the philosophy of economy provide solutions needed for the economic and human dilemmas faced by the contemporary world. These were crucial in overcoming the worldwide 2007/2008 financial crisis and helping economies during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic.


Nestled within the cold calculations of the market is an immensely human tale of a man discovering his identity, sexuality and intellectual brilliance. A crucial part of this story is the long-lasting love Keynes shared with the great ballerina Lydia Lopokova, and how they overcame the obstacles that threatened their happiness.


Featuring contributions from Keynes' greatest biographer Robert Skidelsky, Richard Davenport-Hines and economist Ann Pettifor, Keynes: His Life and Work examines Keynes' revolutionary Economic Consequences of the Peace, investigating how he created the architecture of the modern financial world.

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