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No Ordinary Rescue, Series 2

5 x 48 HD
Broadcaster:  CNA

No Ordinary Rescue returns with more exhilarating stories to tell the stories of brave civilians who risk their lives to come to the aid of others.


This dramatic series touches on the most pressing issues of Asian societies. About 200,000 children in China are reportedly abducted and trafficked each year. Over at Taiwan more mammals are beaching on the coast, while migratory birds passing through China fall prey to hunters. What are ordinary citizens doing to protect their youngest and save the wildlife?


Meanwhile, haze from wildfires in Thailand and Indonesia have caused millions to fall ill. A group of youngsters, many of them still schooling, have decided to learn how to firefight and become activists to change the situation.


With more than 10 million people suffering from Alzheimer’s in China, 500,000 elderly reportedly lose their way each year because of this disease. In a race against time, how are the volunteers finding these missing elderly? The inspiring volunteers also brave extreme terrains to deliver aid during natural disasters, showing no rescue is ordinary.

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