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No Luggage, Series 6

54 x 26 HD

Running for 18 years and more than 800 episodes, No Luggage returns with 54 brand new episodic adventures to transport viewers to the planet’s most far-flung corners.


This latest series travels to the mountains of Bulgaria, the rainforests of Madagascar, the plantations of Fiji and the peninsulas of Greece to uncover religious sites, cultural artefacts and bountiful nature.


In Bulgaria, marvel at pink Lake Atanasovsko, and uncover the wonders of antiquity in Plovdiv and Rogozen, while in Greece, take a peek inside Aristotle’s home and explore the beautiful Pelion Peninsula. Mauritius' Casela Nature Park offers the chance to walk with lions, while the Fijian archipelago reveals the secrets of pearls and cocoa plants. Meanwhile in Madagascar, discover baobab trees and local crafts, before a trip to Ecuador and Nicaragua reveals a stunning array of lakes and volcanoes alongside offering a unique insight into the craftsmanship of each country.

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