Have You Eaten Yet? Tasting Taiwan

8 x 23 HD
Broadcaster:  Taiwan+

In Taiwan, food is so important that ‘Have you eaten yet?’ is a common greeting.


Meet the inspirational master chefs who hold the secrets to Taiwan's most popular dishes, often passed down through generations of the same family. Discover how Taiwan's unique history and culture have played an instrumental role in shaping the dishes that are revered by its people.


From renowned delicacies such as braised pork rice and beef noodles to the lesser known fish head casserole and three cup chicken, explore an incredible selection of Taiwan's tantalising offerings. Plus, find out more about the humble beginnings of international restaurant Din Tai Fung's Michelin-starred dumplings.


With an intimate look into the chef's characters and their untold stories, discover why their dishes are more popular than ever and how Taiwan is fast gaining global recognition as a culinary hotspot.


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